Blog Tours Book Reviews

Dragonkyn—Blog Tour and Book Review


Dragonkyn - Blog Tour and Book Review


Marc used to think he was pretty ordinary, but he also used to think ice cream trucks didn’t sell ice cream and dragons were just fairy tales. Now he knows better. With skin that can’t be burned and strange powers he can’t explain, Marc soon discovers the truth: he is part dragon. And as he joins his fellow dragonkyn, his closest friends could quickly become his greatest enemies.

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This book was a fun and unique read. I found myself laughing throughout the book, and I rather enjoyed the dynamic between the characters. One of the best parts about the book was the witty chapter titles, which kept me in suspense of what was going to unfold throughout the pages. Some chapter titles include: “Ditching Death is Difficult” and “How to Embarrass Your Spanish Teacher”. The short chapters made this book an absolute breeze to blow through/

I give Dragonkyn 3/5 stars.



By Bailey Riddle

Bailey Riddle is a 22-year-old college student studying Broadcast Electronic Communication Arts at San Francisco State University. She loves all things fandom, and can often be found with her nose in a book. When she isn’t busy with school and being a professional fangirl, she likes to cook food, read, and work on catching up on many hours of sleep.

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