Book Reviews contemporary new adult romance

The Wedding Obsession – Book Review

Title: The Wedding Obsession

Author: Madeline Ash

Pages: 199

Genre: New Adult, Romance

Publisher: Tule Publishing

Published: August 27, 2018



Emmie Morgan woke up from heart transplant surgery, saw her best friend Brandon Tan sitting by her bedside, and promptly asked him to marry her. If there was a faster way to ruin a friendship, she didn’t know it.

One year on, Bran has returned home to open a restaurant and Emmie adds trying to make amends to her already chaotic life. She’s also running her own music venue, battling survivor’s guilt—oh, and secretly tending a wedding obsession sprung from her near-death experience.

Bran needs answers. But all Emmie has are problems. Hating that he couldn’t help her last time, he resolves to ease the trouble in her eyes. He sets aside their attraction and awkward past and tries to focus on being friends again.

If she would just stop trying on wedding dresses…

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The Wedding Obsession was a quick read that I found to be just okay. I was hoping for a lot of swoony romance and sweet details about Emmie’s newfound obsession with weddings, but instead was met with Emmie’s animosity over her “condition”. While I understand her feelings, especially seeing how adverse she was to the idea of marriage before her surgery, I think it still would have been nice to see Emmie embracing her obsession a little bit more, even if only in private.

I did really like the explanation that was given for why Emmie suddenly woke up after receiving a heart transplant to have an uncontrollable urge to propose to her best friend, Bran. I think that it was a thought-provoking explanation, and whether or not it is actually a plausible reason, I think that it fits well with the story.

I give The Wedding Obsession 3/5 stars. I didn’t dislike the story, but I thought that there were areas where it could have been told in a different way that would have done a better job.

*I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.*

By Bailey Riddle

Bailey Riddle is a 22-year-old college student studying Broadcast Electronic Communication Arts at San Francisco State University. She loves all things fandom, and can often be found with her nose in a book. When she isn’t busy with school and being a professional fangirl, she likes to cook food, read, and work on catching up on many hours of sleep.

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